Foster care alumni often suffer from economic, physical, or emotional issues rooted in past trauma, and may find themselves facing homelessness, incarceration or unemployment. This four-stage program offers former foster youths a way to overcome these issues and reconnect with their communities, reclaiming a brighter future for themselves. We help you with everything from the most immediate short-term needs to the more fundamental long-term requirements for a productive and self-sufficient life.
At every stage, you will gain access to resources, support, connections and training in essential skills. We can help you to purchase newly renovated low-income houses at low or 0% interest rates, and also provide access to transitional housing. Through interaction with staff and other young people, you will acquire the tools and skills necessary to live a happy and independent life as you transition back into the community in a stable and safe long-term context.
- Immediate Needs: Food, shelter and basic self care. We provide food vouchers, hygiene products, clothing and facilities to shower and nap, for individuals and also their children. We also help you to apply for public assistance.
- Developmental and Educational Needs: Through our Life Skills Curriculum, we work on essential career, study and home management skills. You will learn how to set achievable career goals and work towards them, and how to look after yourself, your house and your finances in the process. We also help you to contact child welfare agencies and programs if needed.
- Connection to Supportive Individuals and Networks: Build essential support networks and relationships that provide professional, personal and emotional guidance. We invite you to social events where you can find personal friendships and professional connections, and we connect you with organizations such as workforce development programs, housing, educational and health/mental health resources, and peer organizations.
- Personal Stability: We consolidate the support and guidance you have received, ensuring you have the knowledge, confidence and ability to secure the resources you need to provide for yourself and their family. We make sure you have access to social networks, stable and affordable housing, educational and training programs, health insurance, connection to counseling services, and a stable income through either employment or benefits.
“After Youth” Emergency Housing Rules and Guidelines
The end goal of the emergency housing program is for you to move into TYIA's transitional housing program or permanent housing elsewhere after receiving life skills, employment and educational resources. As a participant, you are required to comply with certain guidelines, listed below. Failure to do so means you will be unable to participate in the emergency housing program and will be discharged immediately and asked to leave the property.
You will also be expected to pay a program fee (an amount which will be given to you) at the end of the 30 day period and every month thereafter. We extend this to 60 days if you have not yet found gainful employment or if TCA/SSI benefits have not been approved. Upon case review at the end of the first 30 day period, TYIA staff will determine if you are eligible for Transitional Housing.
Program Guidelines:
Working with a TYIA Coordinator, you will set goals for yourself that include following your case management service plan and creating/following a budget. You will be expected to work towards these goals and make consistent progress towards achieving them.
You must meet your TYIA Planning Partner on a regular basis.
You will be expected to attend all life skills classes as scheduled by TYIA. Missing more than 2 workshops (either in-house or outside the home) without prior approval is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.
If you have ever been diagnosed with a mental health issue and/or prescribed psychotropic medication to regulate your mood, TYIA can help you connect to screening and counseling. You can continue to see your current provider or return to a previous mental health provider. You must provide us with documentation of who your mental health provider is, and a schedule of appointment dates/times.
If unemployed, you must meet daily with TYIA to develop a resume, attend job training workshops and carry out a job search, providing TYIA with business cards of the employers you've visited. We will provide bus tokens, if needed.
If you have not completed your GED, you will be expected to enroll in and complete a GED program. TYIA will help you to locate one and will assist with any testing fees or applications for schools and/or funding. If you have graduated high school, you will be expected to enroll in a Vocational, 4-year or 2-year educational/certificate program.
You will be expected to volunteer for TYIA and/or supportive agencies as requested at least twice per year.
You will remain drug free in accordance with the law, especially when attending TYIA events. You may be drug-tested at random while in the emergency housing program.
You will not have ANY gang involvement while participating in the emergency housing program.
You are expected to cooperate with all announced and unannounced spot checks provided by TYIA.
You will conduct yourself in a respectful manner and treat TYIA staff and volunteers with respect. Violence, threats, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and you will be discharged from the program immediately.
Violence/threats to your roommate(s) by you or your acquaintances will not be tolerated. You will be escorted by police with your belongings from the property immediately should this occur.
Guests/friends/family are NOT allowed in the housing unless previously authorized by TYIA. You will be discharged from the program immediately if it is found that a guest has spent the night or has been in the dwelling without prior approval.